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Whilst not everyone agrees this should be in a portfolio, I believe we are made of more than our case studies and our core project work. 


As creatives, we are always dipping our toes into other media, other ways of playing with materials, learning new things. 


A collection of mine are showcased here, separated into hobbies, MA-UX extras and those from my lighting design days


A selection of bits and pieces I'm doing on the side to learn new skills, keep my brain active and generally enjoy being creative. This selection will be updated periodically. 


It currently includes some photography work. 

MA UX extras

A selection of bits and pieces I've done for projects that didn't make the case study cut, but still taught me about the process of researching and designing an experience.

lighting design

A selection of images through the process of conceptual ideation, through technical implementation, build and completed projects.

Rebecca Hodge   |   07950 211 102   |   |   |   @_rebeccahodge3

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